In addition to serving its wide-ranging clientele, our studio loves bringing the benefits of Gyrotonic® and Gyrokinesis® to the dance community. Our instructors have professional dance backgrounds allowing us to gear your session towards a dancer’s needs. Gyrotonic improves turnout, flexibility, extensions, ankle strength, abdominal strength, breath and stamina. Created by a dancer himself, Juliu Horvath, it draws from ballet, gymnastics, swimming, Tai Chi and yoga. Chicago Center for Body Movement is the only studio in the loop that offers a full complement of Gyrotonic equipment important to dancers, including two Pulley Tower Units, a ladder and a new Jump Stretch Board and Leg Extension Unit (both of which our current dancer clients love!) plus a Gyrotoner.
Benefits of Gyrotonic for Dancers
- Improves turnout and extensions
- Improves spinal and hip mobility
- Strengthens ankles while improving your point
- Improve jumps and petit allegro
- Effective injury prevention and rehabilitation
- Improves breathing patterns and stamina
- Fun and different way to get class!